
Situated a stone's throw from Malbrouck castle, in the heart of the Pays des 3 Frontières, the Malbrouck gîte, which can accommodate up to 4 people, was created in the former ballroom of the old Kitzing-Merschweiller café, in a contemporary setting while retaining all the traditional charm of the Lorraine oak floors. Parking, baby equipment on request, linen fully provided. Beds made.


2 route d'Apach


Visit website

 06 81 82 10 85


stdClass Object
    [id] => 846144280
    [nom] => GITE DE MALBROUCK
    [type] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 4000012
            [nom] => Classified holiday let

    [entite_gestionnaire] => 846
    [nom_entite_gestionnaire] => TROIS FRONTIERES TOURISME
    [reference] => 57G394
    [coordonnees] => stdClass Object
            [num_voie] => 2
            [libelle_voie] => route d'Apach
            [complement_adresse] => KITZING
            [code_postal] => 57480
            [libelle_commune] => MERSCHWEILLER
            [telephone1] => 06 81 82 10 85
            [email1] =>
            [url1] =>
            [pays] => FRANCE

    [type_georeferencement] => 2
    [libelle_georeferencement] => précis
    [latitude] => 49,4436186
    [longitude] => 6,3724241
    [commentaire] => Situated a stone's throw from Malbrouck castle, in the heart of the Pays des 3 Frontières, the Malbrouck gîte, which can accommodate up to 4 people, was created in the former ballroom of the old Kitzing-Merschweiller café, in a contemporary setting while retaining all the traditional charm of the Lorraine oak floors. Parking, baby equipment on request, linen fully provided. Beds made.
    [responsable] => stdClass Object
            [civilite] => Monsieur
            [nom] => MARINANGELI
            [prenom] => Laurent

    [prestataire] => stdClass Object
            [raison_sociale] => SARL DE MALBROUCK
            [civilite] => Monsieur
            [nom] => MARINANGELI
            [prenom] => Laurent
            [fonction] => Propriétaire
            [coordonnees] => stdClass Object
                    [num_voie] => 2
                    [libelle_voie] => route d'Apach
                    [distri_speciale] => 
                    [code_postal] => 57480
                    [libelle_commune] => MERSCHWEILLER
                    [telephone1] => 06 81 82 10 85
                    [telephone2] => 
                    [telephone3] => 
                    [fax] => 
                    [email1] =>
                    [email2] => 
                    [url1] =>
                    [url2] => 
                    [pays] => FRANCE


    [debut_validite] => 23/05/2013
    [fin_validite] => 31/12/2050
    [marquage] => 0
    [datmaj] => 21/05/2024 14:08:47
    [datecreation] => 23/05/2013 10:30:40
    [horaires] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [date_debut] => 01/01/2024
                    [date_fin] => 31/12/2024
                    [heures] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [heure_debut] => 
                                    [heure_fin] => 
                                    [lundi] => O
                                    [mardi] => O
                                    [mercredi] => O
                                    [jeudi] => O
                                    [vendredi] => O
                                    [samedi] => O
                                    [dimanche] => O
                                    [acces_permanent] => 1
                                    [tps_acces_fin] => 0
                                    [commentaire] => 




    [criteres] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 4000060
                    [nom] => photo5
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 4000062
                    [nom] => Crédit photo5
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736000089
                    [nom] => Accommodation category
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 4000472
                                    [nom] => Non-rated
                                    [ordre] => 6



            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736000144
                    [nom] => Capacity
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 1
                                    [nom] => Number of people
                                    [ordre] => 0
                                    [valeur] => 4

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 2
                                    [nom] => Number of bedrooms
                                    [ordre] => 1
                                    [valeur] => 2

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 4
                                    [nom] => Number of single beds
                                    [ordre] => 2
                                    [valeur] => 4

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 5
                                    [nom] => Number of double beds
                                    [ordre] => 3
                                    [valeur] => 0

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [nom] => Number of cots
                                    [ordre] => 4
                                    [valeur] => 1

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 3
                                    [nom] => Surface area (sq. metres)
                                    [ordre] => 5
                                    [valeur] => 80



            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736000294
                    [nom] => Photo
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001102
                    [nom] => Rating - Gîtes de France
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 2
                                    [nom] => 2 ears of corn
                                    [ordre] => 1



            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001115
                    [nom] => Photo intérieur
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001116
                    [nom] => Photo extérieur
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001117
                    [nom] => Crédit photo3
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI

            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001118
                    [nom] => Crédit photo4
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI

            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001119
                    [nom] => Photographic credit
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI

            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001142
                    [nom] => Photo2
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [12] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001143
                    [nom] => Crédit photo2
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI


    [disponibilites_synthetiques] => Array

    [disponibilites_detail] => Array

    [criteres_formates] => Array
            [photo5] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 4000060
                    [nom] => photo5
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [Crédit photo5] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 4000062
                    [nom] => Crédit photo5
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI

            [Accommodation category] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736000089
                    [nom] => Accommodation category
                    [type_critere] => 1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 4000472
                                    [nom] => Non-rated
                                    [ordre] => 6



            [Capacity] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736000144
                    [nom] => Capacity
                    [type_critere] => 2
                    [type_valeur] => 1
                    [classe] => 4
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 1
                                    [nom] => Number of people
                                    [ordre] => 0
                                    [valeur] => 4

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 2
                                    [nom] => Number of bedrooms
                                    [ordre] => 1
                                    [valeur] => 2

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 4
                                    [nom] => Number of single beds
                                    [ordre] => 2
                                    [valeur] => 4

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 5
                                    [nom] => Number of double beds
                                    [ordre] => 3
                                    [valeur] => 0

                            [4] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [nom] => Number of cots
                                    [ordre] => 4
                                    [valeur] => 1

                            [5] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 3
                                    [nom] => Surface area (sq. metres)
                                    [ordre] => 5
                                    [valeur] => 80



            [Photo] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736000294
                    [nom] => Photo
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [Rating - Gîtes de France] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001102
                    [nom] => Rating - Gîtes de France
                    [type_critere] => -1
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 1
                    [modalites] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 2
                                    [nom] => 2 ears of corn
                                    [ordre] => 1



            [Photo intérieur] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001115
                    [nom] => Photo intérieur
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [Photo extérieur] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001116
                    [nom] => Photo extérieur
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [Crédit photo3] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001117
                    [nom] => Crédit photo3
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI

            [Crédit photo4] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001118
                    [nom] => Crédit photo4
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI

            [Photographic credit] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001119
                    [nom] => Photographic credit
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI

            [Photo2] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001142
                    [nom] => Photo2
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 6
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] =>

            [Crédit photo2] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 736001143
                    [nom] => Crédit photo2
                    [type_critere] => 0
                    [type_valeur] => 2
                    [classe] => 0
                    [valeur] => Laurent MARINANGELI



Trois Frontières Tourisme
3, place Jean de Morbach
+33 (0)3 82 83 74 14 

Opening hours and contact

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